Wellington Falls Via Pipeline Track

PUFF-O-METRE OVERVIEW There are a number of ways to access Wellington Falls however the easiest by far is coming up the Pipeline track. The Pipeline track actually starts near the Waterworks further down Mount Wellington but for this hike you can access it as it passes over the Huon Road. The start of the track is at a location called the "old school" which is where the Huon and Summerleas Roads join. There is parking for about 10 vehicles off the Huon Road enough to allow for hiking preparation without fear of being hit by traffic. The track is uphill to the falls and downhill on the return leg as you backtrack on your hike rather than doing a loop. The first kilometre is the hardest, while the track is wide and flat, it's a decent incline. Its not until you leave the Pipeline track for the Wellington Falls track that it transforms into single lane hiking. Depending on what time of the year you hike this trail, it will either have waterfalls every few kilometres on the ...