Three Falls Loop

PUFF-O-METRE Overview The 3 waterfalls track is a main loop that connects Russell Falls, Horseshoe Falls, Tall Trees and Lady Barron Falls. These are all located in Mount Field National Park which is 89km west of Hobart. Russell Falls is the most well known of the three falls and also has a wheelchair / pram friendly track to the base of the falls. For those that don't have that requirement for transportation, we recommend that you travel the opposite direction around the loop starting with Lady Barron, moving into the Tall Trees, then to Horseshoe Falls and down to Russell Falls but rather than taking the sealed track back to the information centre we recommend that you take the new natural track. If you follow our preferred way around the loop, then the hardest part of the track is at the start with two fairly steep inclines to the top of the hill. Once at the top, you go down 239 stairs to the bottom of the hill and follow a fairly flat track to Lady Barron. The trac...