Mount Poimena



Another trail that starts from the main car park at Blue Tier Forest Reserve. Because of this, there is shelter and toilets available next to where you'll be parking your vehicle.

The trail is a mixture of dirt and gravel pathway. Occasionally it opens up to exposed roots across the path so keep an eye on your footing. It's an uphill climb from the start to the top but there are moments where it flattens out to give you a chance to catch your breath before increasing the incline again.

Once at the top, you are rewarded with 360 degree views of the local Tasmanian wilderness.... See what I did there? hehehe. But seriously, the views are spectacular, especially if you climb up onto the rock formation and consume a picnic while enjoying the landscape.  

Location From Major City: 135km North-East of Launceston or 29km West of St Helens

Distance:  1.3km 

Elevation: 62M

Time: 1hr to walk it allowing for a relaxed pace and photography

Route Type: Up & Back

Dog Friendly: Yes

Pram / Wheelchair Friendly: No

Toilet Facilities: Yes, at the start

Shelter: Yes, at the start


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