Snug to Margate via David Burrows Coastal Walk

Snug to Margate via David Burrows Coastal Walk



This track can either be started at Snug or at Margate depending on your preference. The main track is designed to be a scenic way of travelling between Margate and Snug while keeping you away from traffic. With this in mind, there are very few occasions that you have to share the road with other vehicles.

About a third of the way along the track, from the Margate end, is a coastal track by the name David Burrows Coastal walk. This walk is by far the most enjoyable section of the tracks and shouldn't be missed especially if you're walking the tracks for pleasure rather than to get to Margate or Snug.

At regular intervals along both tracks is seating, whether it be in the form of bench seats or complete picnic tables. The Margate to Snug trail has them at areas where a rest would be nice. On the David Burrows trail, they are located to take advantage of particularly beautiful locations to enjoy.

Distance:  4.4KM Snug to Margate or David Burrows 2.4KM

Elevation: 13M

Route Type: One Way

Dog Friendly: Yes

Pram Friendly: No

Toilet Facilities: No

Shelter: No


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