Mt Wellington's Disappearing Tarn

 Mt Wellington's Disappearing Tarn



Mt Wellington's Disappearing Tarn is a fable that's whispered throughout the hiking community. There are a number of factors that need to come into play for this stunning pool of water to be visible and even then, there's no guarantees that you'll see it. The main factor that needs to be ticked off before you even consider the hike is whether there has been multiple days of constant or even heavy rain on the Mountain. Without this, the Tarn won't present itself. 

With the first point ticked off as a yes, now you need to decide how important it is to you to be able to enjoy it to yourself or with a crowd?? If crowds don't bother you then you can head up there anytime of the day to enjoy the view. However, if you want the place to yourself then be prepared to be hitting the track at 7AM or even earlier depending on your commitment.

There are a number of different tracks that can be taken to get to the Tarn but we are going to focus on the shortest track with the least elevation deviation. Parking at The Springs, it's a short walk up the stairs to the start of the Milles Track. The Milles Track then becomes The Wellington Falls Track about 2.5km into the walk.

Not long after you have progressed onto The Wellington Falls Track, you'll find yourself navigating a track through boulders, known as the potato fields. This section of the track is easy to follow however can be very slippery under foot so decent footwear is highly advisable. There are poles with orange markers to help guide you through the potato fields. Once you pass roughly 20 of these markers, you should hit the 4km mark of your hike......and there......on your the incredible Disappearing Tarn! 

You first see the Tarn from an elevated position, allowing your eye to bask in all its detail. Once you get closer, the beauty only amplifies. No matter now many photos or videos you take, they seem to pale in the detail your eyes get to capture. It causes you to talk quietly for fear that it might disappear if you scare it. If you can, it's worth taking a waterproof camera or goggles with you so that you can enjoy the mesmerizing beauty that's hidden under the surface as well. **NOTE: water is very cold!!

Distance:  8KM

Elevation: 132M

Route Type: Up and Back

Dog Friendly: No

Pram Friendly: No

Toilet Facilities: Yes at the start in the carpark

Shelter: Yes at the start in the carpark


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